
Well it appears I’ve sustained my first injury.

Earlier in the week, I was doing some strength training when I felt my lower back suddenly become sore. I immediately stopped the exercise I was doing, and took a few minutes to stretch. After a few seconds, the soreness went away, so I proceeded with the rest of my workout with no problems.

The next day I was feeling pretty sore, so I took a few days off to recover. Friday came around, and I was feeling much better, so I decided to get back to running. I headed out and had a great run. No pain or soreness at all.

I proceeded with my daily routine and headed to work. I was in the break room, fixing up a cup of coffee, when my back suddenly went out and started severly spasming.

So I’ve spent the last two days either in bed or on the couch. Any attempt at moving results in more spasms, so I’m trying to take it easy until that passes. ‘Looks like I’ll be seeing my doctor shortly, but one thing is for certain – no running for awhile.

I’m fairly frustrated at this point. It seems any attempt at training results in me getting hurt. It’s difficult to progress when your momentum is constantly being interupted.

Anyway, I’ll just have to deal with this and see where it leaves me.

Five months until race day…