More Sanding and Painting


Main seam

After much debate, I came to the conclusion the only way I would effectively remove the visibility of the main seam between the two fuselage halves was to attack it with some heavy duty sanding. Initially, I tried avoiding this approach as I knew it would remove much of the details around the seam including the panel lines and other greeblies. But after applying the initial coat of primer, it’s clear the seam is going to require some additional work that will most likely eliminate these details. So to help me recreate these details after the seam has been addressed, I snapped a few photos of the detailing to use as reference. Following which, I wetsanded the seam using some fine and then extra fine sanding blocks I picked up at Home Depot. I think the seam is starting to look better, but will require some additional puttying and sanding.

In parallel, I’ve also been priming the other pieces of the kit in preparation for painting.